The shadow vanished the moment Bun Bun looked over, and the stern and inviolable words entered Elderly Patriarch Bai's ears.
"Zaizai will be fine. You must not intervene!"
"And you must not tell my daughter that I've been here!"
Summoning his courage, Elderly Patriarch Bai asked one more question, "If the little princess asks..."
Whether it was his imagination or not, he vaguely saw the already faint and nearly indistinct tall figure sway for a moment. The stern and cold voice suddenly softened.
"She's tired. She might just think she saw wrong... Even if she asks, tell her that I'm very busy! She's obedient and understands me."
Elderly Patriarch Bai felt a twinge of sadness, "Yes..."
He wanted to ask the Great Emperor why things were the way they were now, but the surroundings had turned clear and pure. Clearly, the figure had left.