Has Mr. Huo Begun to Harbor Feelings for Me?

Moonlight descended from the sky like a silver gossamer, gently enveloping the slender figures of the two.

Huo Qing'ang gazed ahead with his deep, inscrutable eyes. "Between me and Zhao Nanxu, there's no past, and certainly no connection."

His voice, though cold, possessed a magnetic quality that seemed to obscure even the clarity of the moonlight.

Gu Pianpian hesitated for a moment. "Mr. Huo, there's no need to explain these personal matters to me."

The phrase "personal matters" was emphasized in her speech.

To outsiders, it might have sounded like jealousy, but Huo Qing'ang, as the party involved, knew better—Gu Pianpian truly didn't care.

"As allies, Mrs. Huo and I should be honest with each other; it's fundamental to our cooperation," Huo Qing'ang's voice grew lighter, accompanied by a fleeting sneer. "Otherwise, we might be led astray by those with ulterior motives."