The Three Titans of the Huo Corporation Convene in the Meeting Room

The activities at the Jin City International School were indeed numerous, and almost all of them were of a remarkably high standard, resulting in substantial expenses. This was quite expected when the total bill was presented. Yet, it only elicited a sense of astonishment, for it seemed that this noble school spared no expense, something beyond the reach of ordinary people.

However, as the Jin City International School parents shared this bill on their WeChat group, it took on a different appearance altogether.

- "Is this the official expenditure breakdown from Jin City International School? I remember that all the expenses for this study tour were covered by the Zhou Group. But now it appears that these expenses have been deducted from the education group's funds."

- "And look at this competition; the training period was clearly just seven days. But it's showing here as a twenty-one-day closed training."