Injuring the Enemy Eight Hundred, Harming Oneself One Thousand

Gu Pianpian in Huo Qingqu surprise, push the door of the ward, and then immediately lock the door.

"What do you mean by that? Huo Qingqu frown, the heart of the bad foreboding, more intense.

Gu Pianpian sitting on the sofa opposite the hospital bed, cold eyes, burst out the spark of people, "Qing'ang injury, brother should not... Can you explain that to me?"

Huo Qingqu disdained to look at Gu Pianpian, lip Angle a hook, "explain? Who am I to explain it to you?"

Meaning -- who do you think you are?

"On what grounds? Because you hurt... It's my man." Gu Pianpian meet his disdainful eyes, word by word response.

Well, that sounds like a real bully...

Huo Qingqu raised his eyebrows, "Then what?"

After a moment, Gu Pianpian looked down at Huo Qingqu, the ruthless meaning of the eyes, as if the next second will swallow him alive, "then?" Then no one can touch him."

Huo Qingqu shrugged off the threat.