Being a Housewife Is an Insult to Your Efforts

When Huo Qing'ang arrived at his office, the head of the design department, Jing Xiu, entered with a report. "Mr. Huo, Mrs. Liu called and requested a change of designer. She asked for a specific designer, but that designer is not part of our design department."

Huo Qing'ang took a glance at the communication record, and a hint of surprise flashed through his eyes. It was unexpected that Kan Lan specifically requested to have Gu Pianpian as the designer. Given Kan Lan's pursuit of perfection, if she chose Gu Pianpian, it meant that Gu Pianpian possessed qualities that Kan Lan admired and approved of. However, the exact qualities were not mentioned in the communication.

"From now on, the design department should focus on other projects," Huo Qing'ang said, his voice calm but firm. "Furthermore, make copies of all the documents related to this project and send them to me."