Escape Now? It's Too Late...

Fan Ji took the glass from the table and walked slowly toward Gu Pianpian. "I like assertive women like you."

As he spoke, he held the glass to her lips.

Seeing that Gu Pianpian turned her head to the side, Fan Ji smirked and forcefully held her chin. Then, he rudely turned her head back.

Their eyes met, and he gave her a lewd smile filled with hidden intentions. "If you can't finish these drinks, then forget about the contract, Mrs. Gu."

"Since when does the Zhou Group's fate depend on Mr. Fan?" Gu Pianpian sneered at Fan Ji with disdain in her voice. "Do you intend to seize power, Mr. Fan, like the emperors of ancient times?"

Her icy tone sounded like it came from the depths of her nose, tinged with disdain.

Fan Ji shook his head and displayed a smug smile on his face. "Of course, the Zhou Group doesn't depend on me. I can only speak favorably in front of Mr. Zhou and destroy this contract. It's that simple."

Threatening her?