Not Trash... What Is It Then?

Gu Pianpian had never been interested in the nine-to-five work-life, especially not when her basic needs were already met. She preferred to pursue her ideals, even if it meant facing obstacles or struggling to make ends meet occasionally. After all, life only happens once, and she wanted to live it to the fullest.

The Design Department of Huo Corporation was known for its strength and capability. Joining them meant a significant leap in her personal abilities.

This valuable opportunity was not something she could pass up.

However, despite accepting the job, her hatred for her mother's death, which indirectly involved Huo Qing'ang's mother, remained unchanged.

In the morning, when the first rays of sunlight pierced through the mist and scattered on the wooden floor, Huo Qing'ang had already been in his office, preparing for the day's work. One of the tasks on his agenda was related to Gu Pianpian's arrival.