Is Mr. Huo Going to Battle in the Forest with That Lady?

Han Ta Grand Hotel.

Yu Xiao arrived at the hotel lobby in just five minutes, following the ten-minute deadline. He scanned the area but couldn't see any sign of Huo Qing'ang and Zhou Yan. As he was about to approach the front desk, his attention was captivated by a lady with fair skin, exquisite features, and long legs.

"Hello, can you help me check which room Mr. Huo is staying in? Here's his ID number," she said in a soft and melodious voice while handing over a piece of paper.

But what Yu Xiao caught in the atmosphere, reaching his ears, was the unbearable affectation.

"Good evening, may I have your ID?" the polite front desk attendant replied and then quickly rejected the request.

"I'm Mr. Huo's girlfriend, and I wanted to surprise him," the lady said. Unperturbed by the refusal, she opened her photo gallery and showed her phone to the front desk attendant. "Don't worry; I have his ID right here in my phone."