Setting the Atmosphere

At first, Fu Ming found it somewhat disgusting, but Xiao Ting was astute and adept at sweet-talking. Gradually, Fu Ming realized that the little ghost posed no harm to him.

He grew curious about its potential uses and began to accept it. Xiao Ting didn't prevent him from interacting with the ghost either.

Although he found the ghost unattractive, its usefulness was undeniable. Winning the ghost's favor could bring fortune and luck.

Fu Ming experienced some benefits and, leveraging the good luck bestowed by Xiao Ting's ghost, secured several significant deals, earning the admiration of his family.

Thus, he maintained his relationship with Xiao Ting. Naturally, he couldn't reveal these details to anyone.

After listening, Meng Yang shuddered and said, "I can't believe there are really ghosts in this world. Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps..."

Fu Ming shot Meng Yang a glance. "Such a coward."

"Hey, can't help it. Ming, you're brave. I would have run away long ago."