The Coroner’s Table


I have seen a thing most gross,

Gross yet sweetly so I must say,

More than I have before seen,

In my woefully wretched life,

Of horrid sightings and imaginations.


A man, gentlemen,

Laid au naturel to the toes,

On the cold coroner's table.

Open skull, cold brain mass,

Hanging off the funiculus,

A riveting and breathtaking sight.


Disturbingly provocative,

That a structure once perfect,

Layd there with ribs cut out,

Wrenched open to the sides,

Guts drawn from the cavum,

Hollow from the neck to the groin.


A human puzzle,

His ordure wrung out,

Drained into a bucket,

Bits inclosed in tubes,

Prods, picks here and there,

To ascertain how the fellow conked.


Sad, gentlemen,

How the fellow's stitched,

Viscus, his bowels and all,

Stuffed inside a defunct shell,

A body prettified and decked out,

One last time, one last and out in honor.