
'Times I keep to myself,

Don't judge me for it is who I am,

It makes no difference,

That I'm slow to use my arm,

And if I don't like crowds,

When loud noise hurts my ears,

When it makes my head ache,

Judge me not that I come to tears.


I'd never be like you,

I'm who I am, and I'm proud of it,

I may not understand,

But that doesn't make me unfit.

My speech my drag 'times,

I may not get things as fast as you,

But I see things you can't,

And oft' do things you wouldn't do.



We're gifted differently,

I am but a part of a large spectrum,

No different than yours is,

So don't call how I react a tantrum,

We are from the same fabric,

Shaded differently is what we are,

I'm not under any curse,

So judge me not and set for me no bar.