Happy Birthday, Ma

I have known many a beautiful hearts,

Been helped pick up my broken parts,

But I have yet to see one love so purely,

I have yet to see a love given so freely,

Not as I have seen thee love, Mama,

Not with the passion I've seen in ya.


I came to thee, broken, leaden with grief,

A heart whose sorrows could find no relief,

But thou didst receive me in thine arms,

Thou didst shield my heart from harms,

With a love, a compassion unparalleled,

Till doubts I had of my purpose were quelled.


Though miles in thousands part you and I,

That thou hast been a mother, I couldn't deny,

Thou hast been a mentor and a guiding hand,

In ways more than thou wouldst understand,

And if this heart knoweth of more than the carnal,

Tis thee who helped me see beyond the temporal.


Happy Birthday mama, happy birthday,

As thou hast been kind in every way,

May the heaven's gates open for thee,

With a grace, a love you have yet to see,

And for thine kindnesses, a hundredfold.

Happy Birthday, Ma, live to see us grow old.