A Destiny Beyond Pain

Your destiny is far beyond this pain,

So despair not, for none of this is in vain,

You're here until all the pieces coalesce,

Like carbons destined for the greatness,

Of diamonds and not the fate of charcoal,

As some of us could only reach our goal,

By walking for miles on broken glass,

By riding out every formidable pass.


Let not your troubles drive you off track,

Or make you turn around and walk back,

Do not spite yourself for every misstep,

But be led by your dreams in every step,

Let those dreams fuel the fire within you,

Let them renew your resolve to continue,

Let them re-invigorate you to stand,

And tend even to that parched land.


Pat yourself on the back for today's effort,

For times you've held on without support,

Times you've been brave to ask for help,

And times you've had to hold in a yelp.