Aberrant Elements

Rape, of any kind, on anyone,

Regardless of why, when or the times it's been done,

By a relative, a stranger, in peace or wartime,

Is evil, inhuman, barbaric, and a heinous crime.


Rapists are, by all means, aberrant societal elements,

Transgressing any and all excusable limits,

Inherently destructive, disentitling them to any leniency,

Or the right to cohabit with anyone in the society.


Rape when perpetrated to a child deserves no mercy,

It's an enathema in any civilized society,

Which betokens such a depravity in the perpetrator,

So deeply ingrained in his psyche, a looming danger.


No punishment can possibly be sufficient,

The society and the law should not be lenient,

Such elements should be removed from the societal fabric,

If the warp and weft thereof are to stick.