Acolyte - one who assists a member of the clergy in a liturgical service

Amity - kindly concern, interest, or support

An ebon belle – a dark-skinned woman with exceptional charm and beauty

Anathema – something that is strongly hated

Anile grunter – an old chronic complainer

Appetence – passion or zeal

Austere - markedly simple

Banshee - a female spirit in Irish and Scottish stories who cries loudly to warn people that

someone is going to die soon

Becalm - to free from distress or disturbance

Bedew – to make moist

Beleft - Simple past tense and past participle of beleave (archaic). To be left behind

Benight – to envelop with fear and darkness

Benzo – a drug used as a sedative to treat symptoms such as anxiety

Blest - to be conferred with prosperity or happiness, to be blessed

Bollocks - testicles

Bolsheviks – a person with subversive or radical views

Boor and scum – people whose behavior is offensive and are looked down upon

Breeder – a person who facilitates breeding of animals

Cackling – a casual or rambling conversation

Callow – immature or lacking in adult sophistication

Cavum – hollow section of the body

Churn – to disturb or agitate

Coasting - loss of self-determination and will to live

Conk – to die

Consort – to associate with or be together as friends

Cornet - a valved brass instrument resembling a trumpet in design and range

Cross the rubicon – to cross a boundary that when crossed commits a person irrevocably

Crow - to feel or express joy

Cull – to remove something that has been rejected

Dainty – delicate and marked by a keen sensitivity

Didst - Second-person singular past tense of do (archaic)

Divested – deprived of or denied something

Don - to dress or place clothing on one's person

Doth - present tense third-person singular of do (archaic)

Echt - being exactly as appears or as claimed. True or genuine

Enthrall - to hold the attention of someone as if by a spell

Erists – argumentative and illogical people

Erstwhile - having been such at some previous time. Past

Eschew – to intentionally keep away from someone

Farrier - a specialist in equine hoof care, including the trimming and balancing of horses' hooves

and the placing of shoes on their hooves

Fauntleroy - an excessively polite and well-dressed young man

Fête – to celebrate

Fiends - an evil spirit or a mean, evil, and unprincipled person

Fluid wantonness - effortless indecency

Forthwith - without delay

Fuddle – to puzzle or throw into a state of mental uncertainty

Funiculus – a rope-like bundle of nerves

GAD – Generalized Anxiety Disorder. A condition with exaggerated tension, worrying, and

nervousness about daily life events

Geld – to castrate

Ghoul – an evil spirit or ghost

Glean - to gather or reap

Grit - Firmness of mind and spirit. Unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger

Groomer – a person responsible for the care and welfare of horses, in addition to maintaining

stables and riding equipment

Hawkishness – a political orientation favoring aggressive policies and ideologies

Hoof to – to dance to

Ignoble - not following or in accordance with standards of honor and decency. Contemptible

Inter – to bury or place a dead body in the earth

Intrust - to trust or commit to another with confidence

Invalid - One who is incapacitated by a chronic illness or disability

Ire – anger or intense emotional state of displeasure with someone or something

Karmic backwash – consequences of one's actions

Keister – a person's buttocks

Kindred - a group of persons who come from the same ancestor. Family

Knockers – a woman's breasts

Laid au naturel - stripped of all clothing

Layeth - Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lay (archaic)

Letup – a gradual decrease in the pace or level of activity of something

Madcap vernal fellow – a foolishly bold young man

Moke – a donkey

Motley - consisting of many things of different sorts

Muggings - people lacking in common sense

Noisome memories – memories causing intense displeasure, disgust, or resentment

Oldster - to cause persistent suffering to

Ordure – excrement or faeces

Pallid - lacking a healthy skin color

Pandect - a complete code of the laws of a country or system of law

Perfidy - lack of faithfulness, especially to one's husband or wife, infidelity

Pleading gruff – pleading to the point of one's voice becoming husky or hoarse

Prazolin – a drug used in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder

Pyned – an obsolete form of pine. Simple past tense and past participle of pyne. To waste away or lose vigor

Qualm – a feeling of uneasiness

Rancor - bitter deep-seated ill will

Recreant - one who betrays a trust or an allegiance

Redolent - Scented or full of a specified fragrance

Reek - a strong unpleasant smell

Riant - showing or feeling pleasure and happiness

Rue - sorrow

Saddlemaker – a saddler. A person who makes the seat fastened on the back of a horse or other

animal for riding

Sat on ya rump glum - sat on your buttocks sullen and gloomy

Sisyphean whitewash – deceptive work that requires continual and often ineffective effort

Sousing - present participle of souse. To sink something into a liquid

Sowd' - planted in order to grow

Staidly - in a formal and serious or reserved manner

Stale declension – constantly declining as to make one weary

Suasion - the act of reasoning or pleading with someone to accept a belief or course of action.


Swan – to swear

Taciturn – not inclined to speak frequently

Tepid – lukewarm, halfhearted, or lacking in enthusiasm

Thenceforth - from that time forward

Thine - that which belongs to you. Archaic form of 'yours'

Thither – to that place, there

Thoroughbred - bred from the best blood through a long line

Ticker – heart (slang)

Tiddler – a young person

Tike – an unpleasant person

Titillating commune – a lustful bond

To blitz – overwhelming and especially negative emotions

To dun - to cause persistent suffering to

Trammel - to confine or restrain

Umteen - innumerable but many

Vacuous babbles – empty and meaningless talk

Via media – a compromise between extremes

Viscus - an internal organ of the body such as the heart, liver, or intestines

Vivify - to give life, vigor, or spirit to

Warp - an immaterial thing upon which something else rests

Wast - Second-person singular simple past form of be (archaic)

Weft – (in weaving) the thread that goes across the length of a piece of cloth or a loom

Wer't - past tense second-person singular of be (archaic)

Whence - from what place, source, or cause

Whither - at, in, or to what place

Wight - a member of the human race

Wilt - present tense second-person singular of will (archaic)

Wintry and sultry – cold and hot

Wispy spirit - a weak, broken spirit

Woodness – madness (archaic)

Yelp – a loud and emotional cry

Yen – a desire or a strong wish for something

Yonks - A long time (especially a longer time than expected); ages

Youngling - a young person who is between infancy and adulthood. A child