1.The beginning

You can skip the earlier parts of this if you want since it's about the world you'll know when the dialogue starts if you scroll through it.

War has happened countless times.

Countries fighting each other causing the loss of several lives.

While in recent times these countries fought together to fight against an enemy.

These enemy ranges from lunatics that only want destruction to wanting a better world by doing things in ways that would only hurt people than change the world.

And occasionally there would be a hero that defeats the big bad leader of the enemy.

But these heroes aren't that different from the Villains either,

although these people appear as a savior in the eyes of the people and even to themselves deep down they know that the only reason they become a hero is for the the fame and the wealth hiding secrets that would potentially ruin their good image.

But who cares,they saved the world and that's all that matters right and not all heroes are like this although they are rare,there are amazing heroes that truly deserved to be called a hero but sadly some of them are overshadowed by the "real heroes"

Despite the union between different powerhouses to fight the same enemy they would always returns to fighting each other repeating the cycle over and over again.

And throughout history there is one thing most of this people want despite initiating wars themselves,that is peace and until recently peace was ultimately achieved due to the combined effort of this heroes.

And to replace war they hold tournaments where people around the world compete against other countries in a fight to determine who has the strongest warriors

But is this tournament enough?

"Maybe...maybe not but that's not my business"

We arrived in a scene showing 2 people sitting together and eating in a roof of a giant building

"I'm bored" Said a blonde haired sliver eyed and fair skinned man.

"When are you not bored" said a girl with black haire with pink tips and pink eyes

"All you do is sleep during class and you never attend battle sessions either"

"And if you're bored do something and not just laze around like taking part in the qualifying match" said the girl

"But that's too tiring and why are you even here not that I mind because you bought me lunch"

"*Sigh* look you have never tried for an academy tournament so why don't you take part in the qualifying matches next week"

"No"the boy instantly replied

"You didn't even think it about it you just said "no" c'mon"

"Nope and what's it to you anyway wasn't the qualifying participants all full by now"

"That's the thing one of the participants in our grade got injured while training and as a vice leader I'm tasked to find a replacement"

"Hmm I see...anyway what does your president boyfriend even do anyway"

The girl blushed and said "wha- what are you talking about he is not my boyfriend and don't dodge the question"

"please we've been friends since we were kids and I've never asked you to do anything so just this once, for me...please"

Said the girl while looking in the boys eyes

"Alright fine I'll take part in it you don't have to say please twice" said the boy with a slight blush in his face. (love triangle baybay)

"Yay let me go tell the pres that you're in"

We can see the disappointment and slight sadness in the boy's face.

"Thank you Aki" smiled and said the girl to the boy.

The boy smiled and said "yeah yeah whatever miss president mai Sakura"

The girl laughed and said "what the hell was that with the full name it's like you don't know how to introduce my name in a novel so you just said it that way"


Done....thanks for reading my complete story,just kidding.