11.Mei yin

"It's our darling Mei yin's turn" said Yang yuhuan as she looked at Mei yin go into the stage.

"Mei yin, a martial artist,3rd most strongest in the academy with her being considered equal to Yuuki and also our professor's own disciple from a young age" said Daishi(the monk teacher).

Hearing this the principal smiled remembering the little girl that he sees as his own grandchild become such an amazing young lady.

'if only her family was as good to her' thought the professor thinking about her parents who used to be friends with his Daughter.

[Back to the fight]

"Mei yin" smiled Ryu looking at girl in front of him as he made a battle stand for the first time since he fought in the qualifiers.

"Give me everything you got sis" said Ryu as he got serious.

"Against you? Of course i will" said mei yin as she made a battle stand,as flames dances around her.


Mei yin disappeared and appeared in front of Ryu for a jab which Ryu dodged and tried to deliver a punch but Mei quickly dodged and began delivering a barrage of punches,kicks,knees which was all blocked or dodged by Ryu.

Seeing this,Mei yin channeled more of her mana into her body and began speeding up her attack.

As Ryu dodged one of her punches and tried to deliver another punch of his own,she dodged, twisted, took his arm and slamed him in the ground.



Chartered the crowd but the reason for their chatter quickly changed as they heard what the fighters said.

"Not gonna use your mana?" said Mei yin as she looked at Ryu who was still lying on the ground.

"Naaaaa,i don't need to" replied Ryu as he got up and smirked at her.


The crowd erupted in disbelief.

[Back to the fight]

"Oh you'll need it" said Mei as she smirked and channeled her mana to the max of her body's ability.

'hmmm?' Ryu was sent flying as he wasn't fast enough.

But Ryu quickly got his foot and as he saw Mei rushing towards him,he quickly used his mana to enhance himself and they began trading blows.

' didn't expect her to improve this quickly since the last time I fought her,color me impress ' smiled Ryu as he began exerting more strength and quickly put her on the defensive.

'damn,I thought I improved a lot but there seems to be no difference since the last time we fought' thought Mei.

'i know I can't beat him but I can't even seem to get closer to him,this way I'll never surpass him so what's the point' thought Mei as she suddenly stopped with Ryu's fist inches from her chin.

Seeing this the professor got sad knowing the reason.

"What's wrong" asked Ryu as he didn't know why she stopped.

"I give up" said Mei as she left the ring.


"That girl" said The professor sadly

"Professor, aren't you gonna talk to her?"asked Doria feeling sad for Mei as she knew that Mei has an inferiority complex directed towards Ryu who she admired since she was little.

"No,I have tried a couple times but it still didn't stop her from feeling that way, it's up to her to get herself in the right path" said the professor.

[In the lounge]

Ryu ran besides Mei and asked,

"Mei what's wrong with you,why did you just give up like that"

Asked Ryu with a bit of an angry tone in his voice as he was mad that the person he considers his rival just gave up on their fight.

"I can't beat you so what's the point of wasting time" said Mei.

"So you're just gonna give up and not even try your best?" Replied Ryu.

'oooof, wrong way to say it dude' thought Akihiko who was beside them as he reluctantly got ready for his fight.

"I'll try hard and then what?" Said Mei angry.

"I---" Ryu didn't know what to say.

Sensing that things might go sideways between in their relationship Akihiko decided to "help" an unassigned bro out.

"Not good at talking huh?" Said Akihiko as they turned to him.

"It's non of your business" said Mei.

"I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to this disingenuous dense motherfucker here" as he pointed towards Ryu.

This surprised Mei as she clearly knew Akihiko since they're from the same grade and he wasn't even one of the stronger students.

'This guy just called Ryu who is miles stronger than him a dense motherfucker,does he have a deathwish and i have to agree but mainly the dense part' thought Mei,her anger and sadness disappearing.

"What did you say?" Replied Ryu who was angry at his comment towards him.

"Are you deaf, there's an infirmary there, you can get it fixed but then again you're supposed to be a King's shield so you must know how to use mana to heal yourself and deafness isn't hard to heal unless your as stupid as you're dense." Replied Akihiko.

Hearing this Ryu wanted to beat up the guy but decided to keep calm.

"Just leave us, you shouldn't meddle in someone's affairs and your opponent just left" said Ryu

'hoh interesting he didn't blow out on me'

"What're you gonna do if i didn't Street stall Kakashi" said Akihiko smiling.

Ryu was about to shout at him but stopped when he heard a giggle.

"Told you,you look like Kakashi" smiled Mei completely forgetting her initial mental weakness.

"I do not and who's this Kakashi anyway" said Ryu looking at Mei happy that she doesn't seem angry anymore.

"Hhhhh,How dare you not know Kakashi and are you telling me everytime I call you Kakashi,you didn't know who he was" said Mei.

"Ah yes?" Replied Kakashi,,,,,Ryu(i actually called him Kakashi wtf)

"Okay You dense motherfucker we're watching Naruto, forget about the Winner ceremony" said Mei as she dragged Kakashi(again wtf).

Looking at them Akihiko smirked and got ready for his fight with Zephys the top 5er.


Akihiko saw Zephys Instantly appear infront of him with winds surrounding him.

