
Ares shoved his spear towards Alex's chest but to his shock,Alex was able to hold it in place just before it reached his heart.

Akihiko seeing this quickly sent a kick towards Ares but he casually sent Aki back with his mana.

"You are a really impatient person" said Alex as he used his mana to send a force that sent Area sliding back.

"Can you wait a bit,I have to talk to this kid's"

"Alright boy's, didn't I tell you that you will be the one to face Ares?"

"You think some kids will be able to defeat a God of war?" Said Ares.

"They won't know until they try,so boy's you know what to do" said Alex and as soon as he finished saying that,A huge arrow shot towards Ares which he easily destroyed using his spear.

"See, Willow's got the spirit and Son i thought you were also a battle maniac" 

"Ugh,that was before just because i decided to train again doesn't mean I want to always FIGHT" Aki said the last part loudly as he appeared above Ares delivering an Axe kick which Ares blocked but to his surprise the kick actually caused him discomfort.

And quickly Cedric,Willow and Zephys began attacking him in their full power.

Cedric and willow punched Ares towards the outside of the city which made him fly towards a large mountainous field.

As soon as he landed the boy's instantly arrived as they began attacking Ares.

Meanwhile in th city Han xin was shocked at the power and speed that his former academy mates displayed.

'they actually sent a God flying' thought Han xin.

"Hoho,i wonder how long they'll last" said Alex.

Hearing this surprised Han xin,

"Ah sir, didn't you send them because you were confident in them?" Asked Han xin.

"Ah nono,they needed to experience a real death battle so I made them fight Ares,not that they'll be able to beat him" Answered Alex smiling.

"What,so you just sent them to their deaths?"

"Nonono,they won't die, I'm here afterall" 

Back to the fight

Cedric was about to punch him but Ares shoved his spear so fast that he was barely able to block it but the attack pearced through his large gauntlet cutting his arm's.

'fuck if i didn't block it,I would surely dude'

Willow began attacking as well as he sent countless punches in a spand of seconds but despite that Ares was able to dodge them.

'he,is the real deal hahaha' thought Willow as he appeared above and Shot a mana infused arrow with all his element and quickly disappeared and appeared in different places and he was able to shot arrows in every direction as Ares looked like he's been trapped in a Dome.

Meanwhile Akihiko and Zephys were placing different seals all around the area including themselves and as they looked at what Willow did but they their surprised the arrows were quickly destroyed before they could even reach Ares.

'damn and dad thinks we can beat him' thought Akihiko.

"I'll admit you kids are actually strong for a human of your age but you are ants compared to me"

"Now feel honoured that you got acknowledged by a God before you died" said Ares as he pointed his spear which looked normal before but now it turned black and red.

Ares disappeared and as if he cloned himself he began fighting all 4 at once in different places

This made Zephys,Cedric and willow quickly enhance themselves to their limits as mana leaked around them along with their elements while Zephys also released his rune as they began trading blows with Ares.

But the fight was almost one sided as Ares was too powerful and fast for them to dodge or block as they were covered in cuts and bruises.

Cedric would hold Ares's spear which gave time for the others to attack him but Ares just hoisted Cedric as he began attacking them with Cedric but Akihiko would Dodge it by ducking really low and quickly sent an uppercut which to Ares's surprised rocked him making time for the other's to quickly use this chance to attacked them in their full power as Akihiko quickly sent a punch towards his face while Cedric and willow sent a punch towards his abdomen while Zephys used almost all his mana for a thrust and the attack connected sending him towards a mountain completely destroying it.

The boy's weren't able to take a breather when they sensed a huge killing intent and they suddenly heard a loud scream and when they looked towards the scream they could see Zephys impaled by Ares as he hoisted him in the air and sent him flying as he crashed to the far mountains completely destroying it.

And their moment of vulnerability caused them as Cedric was pearced in his leg and Ares held his neck as he threw him towards Willow and was about to Pearce both of them in the heart but a huge Aura dropped down on him as Akihiko thrust kicked Ares sending him sliding sideways.

As Ares looked at Akihiko,he saw the huge ammount of potent mana and the mastery of every elements around him.

"Child,are you that man's son"

"What about it you sister lover" said Akihiko.

"You are strong,why don't you become my right hand man, I'll make you rule this world"

"Why me,you could ask my dad who is clearly stronger I wonder why.....maybe because you know that he's stronger" said Akihiko as he smirked.

"I am a God of war,no mere human is stronger than me"

"Are you sure, wasn't Poseidon killed by a normal human and Poseidon is stronger than you" said Akihiko.

"Hahahahaha,i see that you're trying to di---" Ares quickly blocked his side as Akihiko sent a kick towards him and the two began trading blows.

Seeing this Cedric and Willow quickly acted.

"Cedric,go and check Zephys,us being here won't make a difference against Ares,the only one who has hopes of defeating Ares among us is Aki but I could charge for a final attack using all my mana in case" said Willow.

"Alright" Cedric agreed as he quickly left knowing that what Willow said is true.

Akihiko and Ares were Fighting and to Ares's shock,they were Fighting in a stand still.

'what is happening,this brat is actually fighting me in a stand still' thought Ares.

"I'm still not done" said Akihiko which surprised Ares as he saw Aki releasing his runes and Ares was quickly pushed back as he was sent flying, Akihiko quickly appeared beside him and punched him again towards the ground as it caused a huge crack.

Ares quickly disappeared and appeared above Akihiko as he swung his spear down, Akihiko blocked the attack as the ground around them descended with a large crack.

As the two God and Human fought Willow was charging up his Final Arrow.

'this will put me out for a while but fuck it, atleast I'll have "beating a God" in my resume' thought Willow as he channeled every last one of his mana and God energy in his arrow and body as he began to bleed for his nose,eyes,mouth and ears.

An hour passed and Akihiko was still fighting Ares and you could see the cuts and bruises all around both of their body.

'damn,this guy doesn't know when to quit' thought Akihiko.

Meanwhile Ares has his own thoughts.

'what is this,how can a human go this long while his body is getting destroyed by over enhancing,do i really have to use my full power to fight a human who isn't even a full adult'

Ares trusted his spear which was held by Aki as he pulled Ares and head butted him making him dizzy and before he could regain his footing Akihiko used most of his mana to deliver a powerful fist to his gut causing a huge shockwaves all around the world as he was sent flying upwards.

"NOW" shouted Akihiko as he knew what Willow was trying to do.

Willow hearing Aki quickly released his arrow and all the while Akihiko also activated the rune they placed earlier as the runes began to glow and then quickly shot out several powerful mana rays towards Ares along with the arrow.

Their Attack hit Ares which caused aother shockwave confusing and scaring several people all around the world.

And as Aki and willow knelt and looked at the result as they waited if Ares was finally beaten,they were shocked to hear a voice amidst the smoke.

"I am truly amazed,to think a mere human made me use my full power" said Ares as the smoke quickly disappeared revealing a much bigger Ares without his helmet with a glowing golden colored hair as his previous pale skin slowly turning red with lines that looks like flame and his spear also getting bigger as the tip ignited in golden fire while on his other hand held a black shield with spikes around it.

Suddenly they could hear a horse and suddenly it appeared above the sky,a Flaming horse.

Everyone in the world including the Gods could feel Ares's presence.

[Around the world and pantheons]

"What's happening old man Ignis, what's this suffocating feeling"


"What is this suffocating feeling" said Zanis as he knelt trying hard to breathe.

"..." Murak just kept silent.

We see Enzo in front of the Castle after checking Nyxshire if people were still having troubles with invaders.

"What is happening"

With Cedric and Zephys,

"Good thing Zephys is still alive but what's happening out there"

"I said you should feel honoured before but now you should be more honoured and scared because I don't plan to kill you easily" said Ares.

"Damn" said Akihiko.

