Chapter 11: Challenge Whitebeard?

P.S. If someone has forgotten the note on the 2nd chapter and is seeking logic here then here is a reminder-

A story full of comedy and nonsense, Nonsense skills only for show and pretending. LOL

Please enjoy ~(˘▾˘)~


New World.

World Economic News Agency.

A news bird was holding a photo, squawking loudly, its wings continuously scribbling in the air.

Its expression was exaggerated, as if narrating some earth-shattering event.

"Chirp Chirp Chirp Coo Kuu!"

translation-> "Emperor El Jorge uses his Emperor's Vision to defeat The Knight of the sea Jinbe!"

"Cockaa dicaa.... puspus Chirp Kuu!!"

translation-> "Warlord Jinbe...joins the Emperor Pirate Crew!"


Morgans's shocked voice echoed throughout the entire newsroom.

Oh my God!

What did he just hear?

Emperor El Jorge defeated the Warlord Sea Knight Jinbe?

Jinbe joined the Emperor Pirate Crew?!

That guy isn't just a Warlord, he's a significant figure symbolizing racial reconciliation, and the leader of Fish-Man Island owned by Whitebeard!

What is El Jorge doing?

Declaring war on the Whitebeard Pirates?

"That's it! I see, I get it!!"

"You actually want to challenge Whitebeard?!!"

"Hahaha, interesting!"

"What a domineering man! Truly the strongest newcomer in eight hundred years!"

After a brief shock, Morgans became excited.

He smelled the scent of a storm!

As the Emperor of the Sea, Whitebeard faced countless challengers every year.

But this time was different.

The changer is Emperor El Jorge!

The strongest newcomer in eight hundred years!

Challenging the world's strongest man!

This was heavyweight!

Morgans couldn't contain his excitement and started dancing like a stupid on the spot.

"Write the newspaper like this!"

"The strongest newcomer in eight hundred years challenges Whitebeard!!"

"The Emperor Pirate Crew declares war on the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Sea Knight Jinbe and Fish-Man Island have left the Whitebeard Pirates and joined the Emperor Pirate Crew!"

"Emperor El Jorge's target is the old man of the Yonko, Whitebeard!"

Like immersing oneself in the perspective of the Super Rookie, Morgans was so excited that he seemed to have done some shady cocaine stuff!

The group of reporters were all visibly excited, writing furiously.

This was a groundbreaking piece of news!

Writing about such a significant event, they were all filled with passion and enthusiasm!




<"Sea Knight Jinbe Announces Joining the Emperor Pirate Crew!">

<"Emperor El Jorge Challenges Whitebeard!">

<"Emperor Pirate Crew Declares War on Whitebeard Pirates!">

<"Super Rookie of Eight Hundred Years vs. The World's Strongest Man!">

The next day, newspapers reporting El Jorge's challenge to Whitebeard were flying all over the world.

Groundbreaking news! So exciting!

The entire world was buzzing with excitement!




Emperor Pirate Crew.

"As expected of the boss, is the target directly the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard?!!"

"We didn't even know that he was planning this far! He truly lives up to being the captain"

"Our captain will definitely take Whitebeard's old head!"

"Aming straight towards the Yonko! We might as well become one of the Yonko Pirate Crews!"

The excited chatter of the crew members woke El Jorge up from his sleep.

What is happening?

"Oi, Oi, Oi, what are you arguing about?"

El Jorge walked out of the room lazily and looked at everyone speechlessly.

 It was early morning, and all this noise—didn't they want to let him sleep?

"Look, the boss doesn't care at all!"

"You don't take Whitebeard seriously at all!"

"So 'handsome' and so cool, he truly deserves to be the captain!"

Seeing that El Jorge was sleeping without tension, the boys mistakenly thought that El Jorge was extremely confident and didn't take Whitebeard seriously at all!

Just because.

Now El Jorge is as expressionless as ever and his hair is a little messy.

Because he hadn't woken up, his sharp eyes looked a little more lazy and looked like disdain.

He looked completely indifferent, even contemptuous!

Even though the enemy was Whitebeard, it didn't make his mood fluctuate at all!

Scornful, as if Whitebeard was not worth his attention!

So cool!

The crew members admired him wholeheartedly!

"Not putting Whitebeard in my eyes? What does that mean..?"

"What are you guys talking about? What's going on?"

El Jorge, who was already not fully awake, was now completely confused.


what? What?

All crew members were now confused.' What does he mean he doesn't know?'

"Oh, Oh, Oh!" 

Now everyone has an enlightened look!

"The Captain doesn't even remember challenging a nobody like Whitebeard!!"

"As expected of the boss! So confident!"

The boys screamed excitedly again!

The confused El Jorge glanced at those newspapers out of the corner of his eye and was immediately dumbfounded.



Declare war with Whitebeard? When did I declare war on Whitebeard?

A blockbuster showdown between the strongest newcomer in eight hundred years and the strongest man in the world?

Stop joking! And stop writing jokes like that!

I'll be smashed into pieces!

Whitebeard's mere fart could crush me to death!!!




Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da!!!!!!

His heart pounded uncontrollably.

El Jorge felt numb.

The deafening sound of the Emperor Engine echoed through the entire ship.

"Oh my god! It's the Emperor Engine! The captain has entered combat mode!"

"It seems like Whitebeard has angered the captain's fighting spirit!"

"While Whitebeard is undoubtedly a strong opponent, BUT! facing our captain, he has only one fate—defeat!"

The younger brothers are so enthusiastic that they are as crazy as losing their minds!

On the inside, El Jorge was on the verge of tears.

He had unintentionally thrown himself into the fire!

"What is this World Economic News Agency?"

After repeatedly confirming the newspaper, El Jorge was heartbroken.


Whitebeard must have seen this outrageous newspaper.

He is probably on his way towards me, ready for a rampage!

"What kind of nonsense is this World Economic News Society?"

It seemed like every time they wrote about him, it was always in self-praise!

"The president of the World Economic News Society is the News King, Morgans."

"What's wrong, captain? Are you going to praise him for spreading your excellent reputation worldwide?"

The crew members, once again, let their imaginations run wild.

In El Jorge's mind, the image of a giant albatross appeared.


It turns out that this birdman is causing trouble!

From Krieg, Ace, Hawkeye, and now Whitebeard!

Are you fucking done yet? ! !

Praise the other person?

Are you kidding me?

He really wants to kill this big bird and make soup! !


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