I, the Rebirth Expert Li Zhi, Lie Flat Totally!

The Extraordinary Life of a Girl Group is trending across the internet!

The girl group Queen6 was live streaming and interacting with fans…

Bullets comments floated through the live chat.

[What kind of girl group is this? I've never heard of them before.]

[This group seems quite obscure.]

"Now, let's welcome Queen6's leader Li Zhi to introduce herself to the audience…"

A few discordant voices appeared in the chat.

[Isn't Queen6 that scandalous, little-known group? Why are they being compared to the top girl group, Destiny Girls? Are they even worthy?]

[Isn't that Leader Li Zhi the real heiress mistakenly taken by the Pei Family? Wasn't this a hot topic two years ago?]

[A country bumpkin like her dares to provoke the goddess of Destiny Girls, the pure while sultry goddess? Go die!]

The chat-mentioned Li Zhi, meanwhile, was sitting in front of her laptop.

She looked into the camera with lazy cat-like peach blossom eyes, slightly upturned at the corners.

One month ago…

After completing over 999 quick transmigration tasks, the rebirth expert Li Zhi retired gloriously from the Transmigration Bureau and returned to her own real world.

Originally, she planed to have a peaceful retirement but only discovered that the real world was even more fantastical.

She unexpectedly found herself as the unlucky true heiress in a novel called The Lucky Actress Is Adored White Moonlight.

Her fake heiress sister, who was the supporting character, stole her luck, leaving her with not only scandals but also intense online backlash.

The supporting character, with her knowledge of the script, had already set up everything years in advance.

Not only did she steal Li Zhi's life as the female lead, but she also made all the pitiful male supporting characters, as well as the wronged male lead, her loyal subjects, treating her as the supreme white moonlight.

Not satisfied with gaining everything, the supporting character meticulously planned a car accident, leaving Li Zhi in a vegetative state, and she even removed Li Zhi's oxygen tube.

The vicious and ruthless disabled villain in this novel suddenly went insane, killing the supporting female character, the male lead, and all the male supporting characters at the wedding, creating a bloody ceremony.

The world of this novel collapsed into pieces, unable to be pieced back together.

Li Zhi was informed by the plot system that she could use her lifelong savings for a one-click restart.

However, the plot of this book needed to be repeated.

How she would spend the rest of her life totally depends on her own abilities.

Li Zhi suspected that this was just a money-making scheme by the Transmigration Bureau.

But she had no other choice but tearfully to take out her lifelong savings of 10 billion to exchange for a one-click restart…

Li Zhi returned, but she was no longer the former workaholic.

She had completely lied flat…

"Hello, everyone. My name is Li Zhi, not the 'li' in 'litchi' nor the 'chi' in 'litchi'".

"I researched the characters in this name all night when I was nine years old and found it myself."

"Before this, I had been craving litchis for eight years."

"This time, by participating in The Extraordinary Life of a Girl Group, I want to show you a different side of Queen6!"


Facing the camera, Li Zhi's eyes turn slightly red, as she covers her mouth, suppressing the overwhelming nausea.

Her teammates in the nine-grid on the live screen look bewildered.

What's wrong with the leader???

After a momentary pause, the live chat explodes with comments.

[Bitch Li is trying to gain sympathy and in return makes herself sick?]

[Is she just sick from eating too many litchis? Did she vomit from being too full?]

[Indeed, it's different! A different kind of disgusting!]

[Could it be morning sickness?]

"Sorry, my stomach isn't feeling well. I'll temporarily end the stream and be back later."

Li Zhi closed her laptop, her face dark, and walked into the bathroom of her rented room.

A few minutes later, Li Zhi emerged from the bathroom, looking dejected.

In her hand, she held a pregnancy test.

She looked at the clear double lines on it and her mouth twitched.

"Damn it!"

Li Zhi let out a deafening roar.

She slumped onto the table, not wanting to get up.

After the one-click restart, she found herself in the presidential suite of a hotel.

Low voices could be heard outside the door as two greasy big shots discussed how to torment her later.

Li Zhi realized that this was the beginning of her tragic life before she entered the world of quick transmigration.

In her previous life, she was framed by the supporting female character to he there. She played cards all night with the two big shots in the hotel room.

She also had an "accidental encounter" with the supporting female character and the wronged male lead.

She was caught by the paparazzi and made headlines.

From then on, the male lead fell into the arms of that hypocritical woman.

Her career was ruined, and the physical and mental trauma she suffered made her infertile for life.

Inside the hotel room, Li Zhi's head throbbed, her heart pounded, and every blood vessel screamed to explode.

With her strong will, she climbed onto the balcony and entered the adjacent presidential suite.

Silver moonlight spilled in, illuminating a handsome, ice-cold man lying on the luxurious bed.

Li Zhi pounced on him.

Startled, the cold-faced man woke up, his eyes bloodshot, gritting his teeth as he cursed, "Get out!"

In the following hours…

The ice-cold man remained motionless, his eyes bloodshot, tears of humiliation lingering at the corners.

In her irrational state, Li Zhi vaguely realized that this sharp-tounged man was somewhat clumsy on his feet.

Li Zhi retrieved her thoughts from her memories, and at that moment, she just wanted to lie flat.

Because something even more melodramatic happened.

She was pregnant, and she had no idea who the father was.

Although a barrage of thoughts filled Li Zhi's mind.

She immediately comforted herself: Don't panicking; she could still find some way to change the situation.

Li Zhi lazily picked up her phone and dialed the customer service hotline on the back of the pregnancy test.

"Peaceful Early Pregnancy. How can I help you?"

The sweet voice of the customer service representative, full of enthusiasm, giving the impression that she enjoyed working quite a lot.

Li Zhi's lips twitched, lazily asking, "This pregnancy test of yours has expired for a year now, and the result shows two lines. Could it be inaccurate?"

The sweet and professional voice of the customer service girl responded, adept at dealing with eccentric customers.

"Dear, our pregnancy test has an accuracy rate of 99.9%! As long as it hasn't been exposed to moisture, the expiration date won't affect the test results. You should trust the science!"

Li Zhi sighed. She felt emotional and didn't want to talk anymore.

"Dear, in this case, we still recommend going to the hospital for an ultrasound to be more assured!"

The customer service girl suggested sweetly.

Li Zhi let out a tired yawn, her cat-like eyes shimmering with a hint of mischief.

"No thanks. Going to a big hospital is too troublesome. I need appointments, have to wake up early, and given the Labor Day holidays, it will be crowded. I'll just leave it like this. It won't affect my life, right?"

The customer service girl's voice gradually became awkward, but she didn't give up on Li Zhi.

"Well, if it's a normal pregnancy, it definitely won't affect your life. However, dear, we still recommend going to a hospital for the procedure…"

Li Zhi hung up the phone directly.

Who said she wanted to undergo a procedure?

Didn't it hurt?

It was just carrying the baby. No big deal.

Being a sophisticated quick-transmigration expert, Li Zhi accepted the fact that she was pregnant with her own child in just ten seconds.

So she was carrying a child. She could raise it, right? Why rush?

Li Zhi touched her flat belly and lazily licked her plump lips, saying, "I'm hungry!"

Li Zhi picked up her phone, intending to order Xinjiang-style Big Plate Chicken for herself, but her fingers hesitated.

[Oh my goodness! What's going on? The team leader of the girl group is live-streaming her morning sickness and calling the pregnancy test customer service?]

[Oh my goodness! Is this scripted? Sacrificing dignity for popularity?]

[Li Zhi's screen is black, how can we hear her speaking?]

[Hey, are you from the countryside? If you don't turn off the microphone, closing the laptop up doesn't mean you are mute.]

[Does Li Zhi not know that she's still alive? The expressions of her girl group teammates are so funny. Why are they all looking down and acting so sneaky? What are they doing? Are they sending messages to Li Zhi?]

Li Zhi's phone received a series of "ding dong" notifications.

Among the many voices, Li Zhi heard her boss, Manager Jiang, complaining the loudest.

"Li Zhi, I'll give you a piece of advice. Turn off the microphone first!"

Li Zhi widened her eyes, forgetting that she still had a powerful tool, what was it called again?

Oh, the Bullet Comments Mind-Reading Technique.

This mind-reading technique was amazing…

Not only could it read the thoughts of all beings, but it could also read all the complaints in bullet comments.

But it seemed to be useless, since it couldn't make money for her.

Li Zhi rolled her eyes to show her disdain.

When Li Zhi first started as a quick-transmigration expert, she was indeed eager and fascinated by this so-called powerful tool.

But as she completed more tasks, acquired more skills and had more identities, she hardly needed it anymore.

Li Zhi couldn't be bothered with this ordinary and useless tool of hers.

She opened her laptop, looked at the screen filled with emojis, and smirked, "Then I'm going off…"

Li Zhi silently exited the live-streaming software.

After being away for a few years, she had forgotten how to use even basic software.


Li Zhi picked up her phone and ordered a four servings of Xinjiang-style Big Plate Chicken.

The text notification showed that her account balance was only 138 yuan.

Damn it!

Li Zhi didn't want to live through such a poor life even for one more day.

Li Zhi lowered her long and dense eyelashes, contemplating.

Should she take the opportunity tonight, under the cover of darkness to eliminate the supporting female character from the book?

But then she thought again, maybe not.

She probably didn't have enough money for a taxi, and this place was far from the city center!

Moreover, in this world, it seemed like killing was illegal, right?

What if she got caught and faced punishment?

Forget it, let things simmer slowly.

After all, she had a lifetime, so why rush?

In the past, when she carried out tasks, Li Zhi eagerly wanted to complete them quickly, then grab a boxed meal, and move on to the next one.

Now, after completing all the tasks, she would just die pathetically.

So why rush?

Was she in a hurry to die?

Damn it!

"Knock, knock, knock…" came a knocking sound at the door.

Li Zhi's Xinjiang-style Big Plate Chicken had arrived. She could smell it even through the door.

Li Zhi rushed to the door like a small whirlwind, opened it with quickly, snatched her take-away from the delivery guy, and closed the door with a bang.

The delivery guy looked down at his empty hands, utterly confused.

Li Zhi held the Big Plate Chicken, salivating, knowing that everything could be wait, but not eating!

After ten minutes, Li Zhi rubbed her bulging belly, squinting her eyes as she let out a satisfied burp.

During these ten minutes, Li Zhi's phone hadn't stopped ringing.

She was tired and didn't feel like explaining or answering!

Li Zhi picked up the trash, opened the door, and went downstairs.

On the last day of the Labor Day holidays, it was time to tidy up her room and get motivated.

Otherwise, when her sisters came back, they would complain about the room smelling like garbage, criticize her laziness, and mock her for being so energetic in the past but now lying flat.

Li Zhi, with a natural and makeupless face, wearing a Pikachu plush pajamas, carried several bags of garbage downstairs, occasionally greeting the elderly passersby with a kind word.

Careless of her image, Li Zhi hadn't been aware that netizens took screen shots of her morning sickness and they quickly circulated online.

It went through rounds of explosive sharing, propelling her to the top of the trending topics and bringing unprecedented attention to her petite group.

In the garbage sorting area outside the apartment building, Li Zhi lowered her exquisite gaze and carefully sorted the trash.

In the past, communication was slow, and love was only enough for one rubbish man.

Nowadays, even garbage needs to be sorted. How challenging it was!

So, there was the question, should the wet wipes used to wipe the mouth be classified as dry or wet waste?

Li Zhi held up the used wet wipe, indecisive.

A black Rolls-Royce drove through the old dirt road of the suburban neighborhood and abruptly stopped by Li Zhi's side.

The passenger door opened…

A middle-aged man with an elite appearance, whose smile resembled a Nike logo, said, "Miss Li Zhi, my master would like to meet you!"