Was this Chaotic Group Truly Filled with Villains?

The father of my child… is a notorious villain who kills without mercy!

Jin Jingsen!

I fear speaking his name will terrify you all!

Li Zhi: Hmph!

Meanwhile, behind the scenes, the intern producer Liu Liu followed closely the live broadcast.

This was her first program.

She attached great importance to it, even bringing her phone to the restroom to keep track of the show's progress.

Upon seeing a hot topic in the barrage of comments, backstage she immediately added the four delicate characters "Sport Girl" to Qin Jiaojiao's head.

Witnessing her girl, "Li Zhi," being verbally abused by others, she anxiously strove to find a solution.

And on the side of the Destiny Girls…

After the fan meeting, everyone tirelessly participated in brand activities, busily showcasing the outstanding business abilities of the powerful girl group.

As for Queen6…

Qin Jiaojiao transformed into the Sport Girl, exercised for a while, but soon became too hungry to continue and joined Li Zhi in eating apricots and lazily reclining together.

[Indeed, Bitch Qin can't keep up the act for more than three seconds. There must be a reason for this chaos!]

[Is there more? I want to see what kind of oddities this chaotic group consists of. Could it be that there are truly no treasures within this chaos?]

At this moment, the fourth door opened…

The morning sunlight shined through the glass window, casting a golden glow on the face of a girl dressed in a white short-sleeved shirt and a black skirt, her beauty resembling that of a manga character.

The people in the live broadcast room were once again amazed.

[Wow! Who is this? Is she the little princess who escaped from the Palace of Versailles in the manga?]

[Oh! Secretary Zhang! Add her name to the list for me!]

[No need for anything else, just based on this face, this girl should debut directly! May I ask for her name?]

[She is called Bai Yueyue, bad at both singing and dancing, a talentless factory girl who is nothing at all!]

Bai Yueyue greeted the duo of Li Zhi and Qin Jiaojiao, then swiftly arranged the tableware.

Li Zhi closed her eyes as she ate the seedless apricots, occasionally swatting away Qin Jiaojiao's hand when she tried to steal some.

Li Zhi acted indifferent as if waiting for the meal to be served.

[By the way, can I get a link for the seedless apricots? They look so delicious, I can't resist!]

[Apricots, low-calorie and sugar-free office dried fruit for satisfying cravings, link: hppt/…]

At this moment, the fifth door opened…

A Hong Kong-style beauty with a weary face walked out of the room, her expression cold.

She glanced at the lazy duo in the hall and coldly snorts, her icy gaze seemingly saying, "Hmph! You two are nothing but insignificant losers!"

The barrage of comments in the live broadcast room became lively once again.

[Wow! This arrogant girl has such an aura, she's like a cold Hong Kong-style beauty!]

[Secretary Zhang, add her too, got it?]

[It seems this girl doesn't have a good relationship with the others. Indeed, the chaotic group is made up of plastic sisterhood!]

[What's her name? What about the one who was recommended earlier?]

Mu Qingya stepped forward, her face cold as she looked down at Li Zhi.

Li Zhi's mouth trembled as she ate the seedless apricots, instinctively shrinking her neck.

Mu Qingya, the arrogant sister, coldly cut in.

"Don't give me that frightened look. What kind of expression is that? Just because I woke up late doesn't mean you can avoid the prenatal check-up. We're going downtown this afternoon, and I've already made an appointment for you!"

Li Zhi's head shook like a drum, "No, I don't want to go. Going downtown means I have to wash my hair, and it's greasy now." Sob…

The glamorous mature sister clenches her fist and sneers contemptuously, "Woman, don't play tricks with me! Greasy hair? Just tie it up, isn't that simple? You invented it, after all!"

Li Zhi shook her head in pain, never expecting that one day she would be overwhelmed by her own laziness.

"Sister, nooooo!"

[Hahaha, this sassy sister seems to have a CEO living inside her, right?]

[What's her name? She seems so straightforward and I love it!]

[Her name is Mu Qingya. She was admitted to medical school through a special recommendation but dropped out, wasting the opportunity. She also bullied her classmates, causing one of them to lose his recommendation and suffer from depression!]

[Oh my! Is this person so despicable? I have zero tolerance for bullies!]

[Despicable indeed! This person is a complete villain!]

[But isn't there another person?]

At this moment, the sixth door opened…

A gentle breeze blew, tousling the beautiful long hair of a woman, as black as satin.

She wore a mint green elegant tea dress, and her black hair was adorned with a beautiful bun held together by a white jade hairpin.

[Wow! Who is this fairy who stepped out of an ink painting?]

[Secretary Zhang? Understand?]

[By the way, although this group is a mess, they still have a distinctive style, don't they?]

[Finally, someone said what I dared not say. Although the Destiny Girls is popular, it feels like everyone is like Pei Chunxue, as if they came off an assembly line, lacking uniqueness.]

[Hey, upstairs, how much did this mess pay you to abandon your conscience?]

Li Zhi lifted her eyelids and complained to the ethereal Jin Li, "Lili, we've run out of seedless apricots. Please restock…"

Jin Li looked at the nearly empty bag in Li Zhi's hand, her phoenix eyes widening in surprise.

"Wasn't it a two-pound package? Li Zhi, are you a pig? How did you finish it so quickly?"

Li Zhi looked innocent and pointed to Qin Jiaojiao, who was sneakily eating beside her.

"It wasn't me, it was her. She said she wanted to taste it and ended up eating a pound!"

Qin Jiaojiao playfully covered Li Zhi's mouth and pouted, "Stop it! You're not allowed to say that!"

Jin Li shook her head helplessly and picked up her phone to place an order.

Suddenly, her pupils contracted, and her ethereal and cold face slowly put on a mask of pain.

"The product is actually out of stock?"

"The boss said there was a surge in orders, and he sold out all his inventory!"

"How could this happen? There were still ten thousand units in stock yesterday. I should have bought more!"

"I only hoarded ten bags! I regret it now!"

Jin Li pounded her chest and suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, today is Tuesday, and it's the members' day at Baijiaxi Supermarket. Who has time to come with me and stock up for the week?"

Qin Jiaojiao guiltily shook her head and fiddled with her hands, "I'm busy. I have to go to the city… for a spa…"

Qin Jiaojiao bit her lip, secretly planning to sell her bag.

Mu Qingya, with a cold face, shook her head and nervously looked out the window.

"I also have something to do. I'll accompany Li Zhi for her prenatal check-up in the afternoon and then visit my mother's office."

In reality, she had received a job interview call from a pharmaceutical company and planned to leave Li Zhi with her mother while she secretly went for the interview…

Bai Yueyue was about to raise her hand when Li Zhi suddenly raised her paws as if she had been injected with lots of energy.

"I'll go, I'll go!"