Trust Me, I Am Not a Fraud!

"Chop Jin Zeliang into pieces and feed them to this despicable woman as minced meat. If she dares to spit it out, cut off a piece of her flesh and feed it to the dogs until she can't vomit anymore. Then turn her into a human-pig and throw her into the dogfighting arena…"

Jin Jingsen's cold and sinister handsome face displayed a strange smirk as he looked at the trembling and disheveled Pei Chunxue.

With a subtle gesture, he signaled his subordinates to grab Jin Zeliang's brain matter and minced meat, forcefully stuffing it into her mouth.

"Aren't you willing to do anything for him? Weren't you determined to have him? Then swallow him whole, and he will forever be yours!"

Pei Chunxue, overwhelmed by disgust, vomited uncontrollably and fainted on the spot.

Before losing consciousness, she seemed to catch a glimpse of the murderous Jin Jingsen taking off his black leather gloves and tenderly caressing a pair of rings around his neck.