It's Satisfying to Crush the Scum in Love Variety Show!

Qin Jiaojiao chuckled disdainfully, flipping her ponytail, and confidently said, "Sister Zhi! You didn't see it wrong! It's this scumbag!"

Tian Xingye's face instantly turned pale, and his trembling chin retorted, "Qin Jiaojiao! What nonsense are you talking about? We never even started anything!"

Huo Qianqian stood up displeased, arrogantly looking down at Qin Jiaojiao, "I've heard all about your situation from Ah Ye. Stop causing trouble for no reason!"

Da Wei watched this scene with great concern, stuttering in his anxiety, "Let's, let's, let's talk properly. Can't we, can't we just clear up this misunderstanding?"

Li Zhi brushed her hair behind her ear, lazily and mockingly smiled, "So you're saying you and Qin Jiaojiao were never in a romantic relationship? You're saying you two never started anything?"

Tian Xingye turned his guilty gaze away, stubbornly saying, "Yes!"

Qin Jiaojiao gritted her teeth and angrily cursed, "He's lying!"