Ah Zhi, It's Our First Year!

Accompanied by several loud bangs, the velvety black sky suddenly burst open, revealing magnificent and extravagant fireworks.

Though fleeting like shooting stars, these fireworks composed a splendid and breathtaking symphony in the silent night sky.

Li Zhi loved fireworks the most, clapping excitedly and gleefully like a child.

"Sen! Look! There are fireworks!"

Everyone turned their gaze towards the sky.

In the distance, there were bursts of astonishment.

It turned out that someone was setting off fireworks for a marriage proposal.

After another wave of dazzling colorful fireworks dispersed, golden letters appeared in the sky, spelling out: [Little Juan, will you marry me?]

Qin Jiaojiao stomped her foot, exclaiming with excitement, "They can even create fireworks with words? How romantic! It almost moved me to tears!"

Huo Qianqian disdainfully pursed her lips, though her watery eyes couldn't hide her envy.