Little Sen, You Are a Shy Plant!

Li Zhi secretly glanced at Jin Jingsen, using the corner of her eye to steal a glimpse.

Jin Jingsen sat gloomily at the edge, keeping a distance of one person between them.

The dim light cast shadows on his cold and desirous face, creating a web of intertwining darkness.

Li Zhi's heart skipped a beat.

[Little Sen! Are you giving me a cold shoulder? Oh, oh, oh! Are you being aloof? Are you superior? Am I beneath you? Is that so? Is that so? Is that so? Oh, oh, oh! You're so amazing! I'm truly angry this time!]

As Li Zhi listened to Jin Jingsen's heartless response, his brows furrowed, and he secretly exerted force on the fingers holding the wine glass, making his knuckles turn pale.

Li Zhi, with a smile that was not quite a smile, suddenly stood up, her lowered gaze blocking the sparkling purple pupils like precious gemstones.