Do You Want to Divorce?

Lora gritted her teeth, feeling that this year had been particularly unlucky for her.

With no other choice at the moment, she had to go to the Imperial University for registration and buy a light brain computer.

As for star coins… she had to find a way to earn money and quickly repay the debt she owed to the Sharp Family.

Fortunately, the reception room was equipped with a well-equipped washroom.

Lora quickly took a shower there, then put on her new Imperial University freshman uniform and left.

When Lora came down in the elevator, she coincidentally ran into a man who was wearing a pair of glasses.

He seemed slightly stunned upon seeing her.

Lora felt a bit embarrassed when she thought about the time she spent with the fox-eared young man in the reception room.

But it was also the fault of the staff for not informing her beforehand that her prospective marriage partner was currently in a rut.

Lora glanced meaningfully at the glasses-wearing man and said, "I will file a complaint against you!"

The man with glasses: ???

He was about to say something, but Lora had already pushed the door and left the Main Brain Center.

Lora first went to the mall and bought a cheapest light brain computer with the basic equipment.

After scanning her pupils and finishing the payment, she saw a flood of information pouring in.

The Sharp Family had sent her numerous messages, and even Duke Sharp had messaged her.

Laurent Sharp: Lora, come back home. I will give you an explanation. Don't let our family affairs become public!

As the head of the family, Duke Sharp was very strict.

He never showed a smile to anyone in the family, not even in front of the Emperor.

Lora respected him, so she replied to his message.

Lora: Duke Sharp, please check your light brain computer inbox. I have sent you a video.

Lora: I am deeply grateful for the care and upbringing the Sharp Family has given me over the past ten years. However, Silvia cannot tolerate my presence, so it is not appropriate for me to continue staying there and causing you all any inconvenience.

As a duke, it was normal that he wouldn't reply to Lora's message immediately.

The fact that he sent a message already showed how seriously he regarded this matter.

Lora no longer cared about what punishment he might impose on Silvia after watching the video.

As for the messages from other members of the Sharp Family, including her eldest brother Jim, Lora had no intention of replying to them for now.

She went to the Imperial University's freshman registration office and completed the enrollment process.

After registration, the star coins left were merely enough for her to pay for meals.

Fortunately, the school dormitory provided all the necessary living items, and they even distributed nutrient solutions daily, so daily life was not a problem.

It was the last day for freshmen registration and the campus was bustling with activity.

Most people were wearing the same blue and white uniforms as Lora, which were exclusive to the freshmen of the first year.

Each college had its own style.

For example, the buildings of the Humanities College had an ancient charm, making people feel as if they had traveled back to ancient Earth.

The buildings of the Medical College were all white and circular, resembling giant medical syringes from a distance.

The Military College had the largest area, with rows of gray buildings towering into the sky.

Transparent glass walkways floated in mid-air, and the corners of the metallic walls reflected a cold light.


A golden-haired girl with cat ears, wearing the same blue and white uniform, walked over surrounded by people.

She looked around and clicked her tongue.

"You actually came to register by yourself today? Didn't anyone from the Sharp Family come to see you off?"

Lora's tone remained calm.

"Annie Kim, the Military College is tough. If you're still so delicate, you'll be crying and running back home before the semester ends."

Annie's cat ears trembled with anger.

She frowned and complained to the people around her, "I told them not to come, but they insisted on coming. How annoying!"

Annie's grandmother, mother, and numerous aunts and uncles couldn't help but start another round of earnest advice.

Annie was annoyed and she looked like an agitated cat.

However, Lora had already walked away from the group and followed the directions to find her own dormitory.

The dormitory was a standard double room, but at the moment, Lora was the only one staying there.

After activating the light brain computer, she found that the room was well-equipped with all the necessary items.

After taking a look around, Lora lay down on the bed.

She looked at the light brain computer on her wrist and opened the personal information page.

What did that fox mean?

If he regrets getting a divorce, he should just say it straightforwardly!

Lora looked at the name in the spouse column and immediately sent a message.

Lora: Do you regret it? Do you want a divorce? No problem, be straightforward and don't drag it out!

Although slightly annoyed, Lora couldn't help but recall what he was like during his rut. She didn't lose anything actually.

After all, she had never really intended to get married.

It was all because of Silvia's impulsive actions!

There was no response. So Lora decided to ignore it for now.

What she needed most at the moment was star coins!

Lora opened the virtual screen of her brain and logged into a mecha form, skillfully entering a series of account details and posting a thread.

King of Hell: Auctioning three mecha design blueprints, see code in the image. Starting price for each blueprint is 100, 000 star coins, auction duration is three days.

After posting this thread, Lora logged out of her account.

She just had to wait for the money to come in after three days.

Even Sharp Family didn't know that Lora and King of Hell, the renowned and esteemed diamond-level mecha master, were in fact the same person.

When Lora was twelve years old, she went on a vacation with her family to a distant planet.

At the edge of an ancient ruins site, young Lora encountered an elderly man with white hair and a flowing beard.

As soon as the old man saw Lora, his eyes lit up!

"Little girl, I can see that you possess an extraordinary talent for crafting. You are truly a rare genius!"

At that time, young Lora was very well-behaved and knew it was best to keep her distance from eccentric people like him.

However, she couldn't help but feel sorry for the old man when she saw his tattered clothes.

Before being adopted, she had also lived a life of scarcity, struggling to have enough to eat and wear.

So, Lora gave the old man the only box of elemental candies she had in her backpack, which could replenish one's energy.

After the old man finished eating them, he became radiant and extremely excited, insisting that Lora become his apprentice!

Lora didn't take it seriously at first.

But when she saw the old man miraculously transform a pile of scrap metal into a lively little robotic dog, her interest was piqued!

From then on, she began learning the art of crafting with the old man… or as her master called it "crafting", but Lora knew it was actually mecha design.

Her master was a highly secretive mecha expert!

After Lora completed her apprenticeship, her master disappeared, claiming that he was going on a journey across the world.

Initially, Lora didn't want to keep it a secret from her family.

However, her master had told her back then, "Lora, keep a pseudonym for yourself. This way, if any accidents occur in the future, you'll have a way out."

And now, just as her master had said, because of this skill, she indeed had a way out.

Just as someone knocked on the door, Lora closed the virtual screen and walked to the door.

Opening it, she saw a handsome young man dressed in a neat military uniform.

He had a weary expression, but as soon as he laid eyes on Lora, a gentle smile appeared on his face.

"Lora, I've finally found you."