Lora, May I Kiss You?

Lora's lips twitched, "No, I won't go back with you now."

Marcus's face instantly filled with grievances upon hearing this.

Biting his lip, he cautiously asked, "Lora, why won't you come back with me?"

Seeing his pitiful appearance, Lora couldn't harden her heart and softened her tone, saying, "Our marriage is a bit of a misunderstanding. How about you go back and ask your family's opinion?"

Just then, Marcus's personal light brain computer rang, it was a call from his adjutant, James Reed.

James urgently said, "Your Highness, where are you? His Majesty and the Empress are looking for you."

Marcus didn't want to leave Lora at the moment.

Due to the influence of hormones, he was currently particularly dependent on Lora.

But with his father and mother looking for him, and Lora mentioning that they should inform their parents about their marriage, he said to James, "Come pick me up at the Imperial University."


After hanging up the call, Marcus reluctantly said, "Lora, I have to go back first. Once I finish discussing our matter, I'll come to find you."

Lora insisted, "Come back in three days."

The beautiful young man with fox ears was on the verge of tears, "Lora…"

Lora forced herself to be cold-hearted.

Because she knew that the Ninth Prince, under the influence of his emotional instability, was not thinking rationally.

After three days, he would regain his senses.

Only then would their discussion on this matter be effective.

The young man with fox ears bit his lip in frustration for a while, realizing it was futile, and finally compromised.

But before leaving, he sadly said, "Lora, may I kiss you?"

Lora was speechless.

She looked at Marcus, whose eyes were reddened and lips were almost bitten, and suddenly took a step forward. She embraced his neck and gave him a kiss.

Marcus's beautiful eyes widened in shock!

In the next moment, he took the control and deepened the kiss…

After the kiss, he finally left.

Lora touched her slightly swollen lips, perhaps this was their farewell kiss.

After three days, when Marcus regained his senses, he would likely take the initiative to dissolve their marriage.

Although it was somewhat regrettable, it was still better than a heap of trouble.

Lora quickly gathered her thoughts when her personal brain device rang, it was a call from her eldest brother, Jim.

She answered, "Jim, do you need something?"

Sitting in the aircraft, Jim watched the royal aircraft slowly take off from the entrance of the Imperial University, feeling a complex mix of emotions.

"Lora, how did you meet the Ninth Prince? Are you familiar with each other?"

"It was an accident, I'm not very familiar with the Ninth Prince."

"That's good, after all, royal matters are complicated, and the Ninth Prince's identity is sensitive. By the way, Lora, you haven't mentioned if your marriage application was approved?"

Lora remained silent for a few seconds before saying, "The match for the marriage has been found, but I plan to discuss dissolving the relationship with the other party."

Upon hearing Lora's words, Jim inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief.

Jim said, "All right, you handle it yourself. If you encounter any trouble, remember to notify me. Also, when I return, I'll have Silvia come and apologize to you."

"No need, Brother. I'm not a member of the Sharp Family anymore."

"Nonsense, as long as you call me elder brother, you will always be my little Lora!"

After the phone call ended, Lora felt a bit helpless.

She didn't expect her elder brother to be so stubborn, but she couldn't deny that there was a hint of warmth in her heart.

It proved that not everyone saw her as a substitute for Silvia in the past ten years.

After Jim confirmed her safety, he flew back home in his aircraft.

However, as soon as he arrived home, he saw his stern father, Duke Sharp, who clearly already knew what had happened.

Upon seeing his eldest son return, he furrowed his brow and said, "Why hasn't that girl come back?"

Jim replied, "Lora said she won't come back for now. Father, this is all Silvia's fault. Silvia should apologize to Lora!"

Duke Sharp frowned in dissatisfaction, "She left just like that, without considering this family? We've raised her for ten years in vain! Silvia doesn't need to apologize to her. Lora has always been stubborn. Let her suffer a bit and learn a lesson!"

Jim was dumbfounded. "Father!"

"No need to say anything more!"

Silvia, who had been eavesdropping from around the corner, smiled when she heard this.

She pretended to have just come downstairs and sweetly called out to Duke Sharp, "Father, dinner is ready. I specially made soup for you. You must try it."

Duke Sharp looked at his well-mannered and intelligent biological daughter and felt particularly satisfied.

At the dinner table, the three of them were happily discussing Silvia's upcoming marriage to Cole.

However, listening to this, Jim got annoyed and lost all his appetite.

After taking a few bites, he turned and went upstairs.

Once he returned to his study, Jim messaged Lora, asking if she was comfortable living at school and if she was used to the nutritional fluids provided by the school.

At the same time, he transferred 20, 000 star coins to Lora.

However, the next moment, the 20, 000 star coins were returned.

Lora: Jim, I have money. Everything is fine for me at school, no need to worry.

Jim: Where did you get the money? Don't lie to me!

Jim: Besides, the tuition and experimental fees for your mecha studies are quite expensive!

Lora: Jim, rest assured, I can work part-time.

Lora wasn't lying to Jim; she really did have money.

Because those three mecha design blueprints she put up for auction online for less than three hours, they were all sold at ten times the original price, ending the transaction early.

Just now, 3, 000, 000 star coins were deposited into Lora's account!

However, the next moment, Jim called her.