How Do You Plan to Repay Me?

The Imperial University today was bustling with activity, and the Academic Affairs Office was crowded with important figures.

Among them were the crown prince of Alpha Planet, Ninth Prince of Alpha Planet, the Principal of the Imperial University, and various professors.

The protagonist, Lora Sharp, and a few other students were squeezed into a corner.

Annie Kim nervously swallowed and cautiously approached Lora Sharp, whispering, "Lora, what day is it today? Why did both Ninth Prince and the crown prince come? Lora?"

"What?" Lora Sharp didn't pay attention to what Annie Kim had just said.

In fact, her gaze uncontrollably fell on Marcus Wood.

Ever since the crown prince appeared, something seemed off about him.

As an orc, Lora Sharp could sense the intense hostility Marcus Wood had toward the crown prince, who was his brother, Shawn Wood.

However, Marcus Wood maintained a calm and indifferent facade, as if he didn't care about anything.

"Jim, you're here too?"