This Excessive Possessiveness is Appalling!

Lora Sharp didn't know how to handle this situation.

She wanted to go and see how Yvette Green was injured, but now she had an additional human-shaped "pendant" on her body!

"Marcus, let me go first, I'll go check on Miss Green," Lora Sharp said.

"Don't look at her! Look at me!" Marcus replied.

This excessive possessiveness is truly appalling!

Lora Sharp had no choice, but Yvette Green seemed to be injured, so leaving her here alone was not an option.

It was said that Yvette Green's mother, Mrs. Green, had an extremely good relationship with Empress.

Finally, Lora Sharp said, "Auspicious, have the aircraft take Miss Green to the hospital."

"No, I won't go to the hospital, take me home!"

Yvette Green knew she looked disheveled at the moment, but her fear overshadowed everything else.

She knew she was in a sorry state, but her injuries were not life-threatening.

So, for the sake of her reputation, she could only go home and not to the hospital!