She Cares More and More About Nine Smith

Did Nine Smith go to beat Duke Sharp?

This was something Lora Sharp hadn't expected.

Although she knew that Nine Smith could be impulsive during his rut, she never imagined it would escalate to this extent!

She cautiously asked, "Could there be a mistake? What about him?"

Jim Sharp was taken aback. He didn't expect Lora Sharp's first concern to be about that man, without even asking how her father was doing.

He felt a bit uncomfortable and said, "Lora, don't you care about your father's condition?"

Lora Sharp remained silent.

Jim Sharp sighed softly. He couldn't bring himself to blame her. It seemed that the previous incident had deeply hurt Lora Sharp.

He said, "Lora, is that person really your husband?"

"I wasn't present, so I'm not sure what the truth of the matter is."

In simple terms, what if the person who attacked Duke Sharp wasn't Nine Smith?

Although Lora Sharp said this, her gaze fell upon the unfinished meal on the table.