Lora, I'm So Worried About You

Ten minutes later, the civilian spacecraft was still hit in its engine, causing the rear section to break apart and be swept into the vast universe.

In the final moment, Lora Sharp managed to regain control of the spacecraft and made an emergency landing on this planet.

"Everyone, fasten your seat belts!"

After Lora Sharp shouted these words, Annie Kim was the first to react.

She immediately rushed to the safety belts by the wall and fastened her seat belt. Will Garcia and a few others followed suit.

Those passengers who had previously attempted to rush into the control room to question Lora Sharp were now dumbfounded.

Only after hearing Lora Sharp's second warning did they hurriedly search for safety belts.

If they hadn't come to question Lora Sharp and had stayed obediently in the safety hall, they wouldn't have faced this predicament at all!