Did She Accompany You Through Rut That Time?

Cole Yonng's expression froze; he still couldn't get used to Silvia Sharp's attitude towards him!

Remember, Silvia Sharp used to chase after him, calling him "Cole Yonng" all the time.

Even when he abandoned her back then, she still deeply loved him.

But now...

Nevertheless, he endured it.

Silvia Sharp's class of orc has become exceptionally high, already reaching double S-class.

Her mental power is also formidable.

If they were to go through the rut together, it would enhance each other's mental power.

The future looks promising!

As for the Yonng Family, if they don't produce a few outstanding talents soon, they will likely be abandoned by the crown prince.

Because of Silvia Sharp, the crown prince was initially going to abandon the Sharp Family, but now he has reinstated them.

However, it seems that Duke Sharp has started to distance himself from the crown prince.

But that's not something Cole Yonng should worry about.