She Dares Not Provoke Other Foxes

Granny Yale sat on the sofa, cradling an electronic bionic cat in her arms.

The bionic cat was almost identical to a real cat, both in appearance and behavior.

Its golden and white patterns, fluffy fur, and purring meows made it indistinguishable from a living feline.

With half-closed eyes, the bionic cat gazed affectionately at Granny Yale.

Smiling, Granny Yale shook her head and said, "I am too old and won't live much longer. Those parasitic bastards wouldn't even deign to possess my body. I stay here only hoping to be closer to him."

She wondered if being closer to him in life would also bring them closer after her death.

Upon hearing this, tears welled up in Lilian Yale's eyes, streaming down her cheeks.

Lora Sharp also felt a heaviness in her chest, but having only recently met Granny Yale, she didn't know much about her past, except for what Nine had mentioned before.

Nonetheless, she sincerely hoped that Granny Yale could accompany them.