She Was So Angry That She Wants to Whip Someone with Her Fish Tail!

In the end, Lora Sharp agreed to Marcus Wood's request.

However, her cheeks were slightly flushed after ending the call with him.

She quickly composed herself and analyzed the current situation.

First, they needed to expose the traitor on her father's side.

Lora Sharp found Hugh Sharp in a small conference room, where he was chatting with Viv Sharp.

When they saw Lora Sharp, their eyes lit up, but they also felt guilty.

Hugh Sharp nervously looked at his daughter and said, "Lora, this is my fault, I'm sorry."

Lora Sharp asked, "Have you found the traitor?"

Hugh Sharp shook his head, "I've asked your second uncle to investigate, but we haven't found any results yet."

After saying this, Hugh Sharp's guilt deepened. If they hadn't escaped quickly today, they could have been completely wiped out.

"I remember not long ago, you rescued someone from the interstellar prison, right?" Lora Sharp asked.