The Most Tenacious Child in the Entire Universe!

Just as a sense of tranquility began to emerge, the couple is now about to part ways.

Lora felt a twinge of reluctance, but she knew that Marcus's proposed solution was the most suitable.

When the time came, she would bring Lynn, and the families of the Star Warriors, including James, into the base.

Bringing in a few civilians would be acceptable to the base personnel.

Their fear lay in Marcus and his fleet.

Once the new planet was settled and the dangerous star beasts were eliminated, the families could move together.

Lora held the nine-tailed fox in her arms.

"Can you handle your current condition?"

Marcus also felt somewhat helpless when it came to his own condition, but he didn't want to see Lora in distress.

The little nine-tailed fox shook its nine fluffy tails and said, "Lora, you can't say your man is incapable."

Lora couldn't help but laugh and cry.

This was not the time for jokes.

Lora looked at Lynn, who nodded in agreement.