Treating Ninth Prince as a Star Beast?

Lora approached the virtual fox shadow and gently embraced it in her arms.

The fox's tail, which was swaying lightly, suddenly paused!

Its soft white fur stood on end, strand by strand.

Lora whispered, "Nine, I've missed you."

Marcus's defenses instantly crumbled!

The entire fox tensed up, its blood rushing rapidly through its veins, its heartbeat pounding like a drum against its chest!

If time travel were possible, he would have immediately followed the signal and arrived.

Suppressing his excitement, he calmly said, "Lora, how about I come to find you? As long as those who know don't reveal my identity, no one will know who I am. They can think of me as your star beast pet."

Treating the War God Ninth Prince as a small star beast…

This proposal unexpectedly stirred excitement within.

Lora widened her beautiful eyes in response.