His Wife Wants to Kiss Someone Else?

Marcus was deeply worried about Lora.

Once he confirmed that his mother was indeed fine, he immediately rushed towards the direction where Lora and the others had left.

Meanwhile, Silvia's companions had already engaged in a struggle with Shadow and Annie.

It was inevitable, as there were too many puppet soldiers.

Silvia took measured steps towards the protected medical pod, with Lilian holding a photon gun, blocking her path.

"If you take one more step forward, I will shoot!" Lilian warned.

Silvia looked at the beautiful mermaid before her and chuckled softly, "I remember you. You're the mermaid who treated my elder brother, right? Oh, and you seem to have a liking for him, don't you? Well, step aside, and I'll take you back so that my brother can marry you."

Lilian, infuriated, trembled with anger.

"You're spouting nonsense! I will never step aside. You won't harm my sister-in-law!"