Protecting the Adult Rather than the Baby

During this period, so much has happened.

Marcus almost forgot about this child!

Upon hearing that Lora was about to give birth, his immediate reaction was one of nervousness as he anxiously asked, "Mom, is Lora in any danger?"

Lynn replied, "She should be fine. Although Lora awakened her abilities, her health has always been good, and the baby is stable. All necessary examinations have been conducted. However, according to Lilian, the baby is premature, so we don't know if there will be any consequences."

Upon hearing that Lora was fine, Marcus breathed a sigh of relief. "As long as Lora is okay."

Lynn: "…"

What does that mean? He doesn't care about the child anymore?

Truth be told, Marcus indeed didn't pay much attention to the child.

He worriedly looked towards the medical room, restless and uneasy.

Similarly anxious outside was the base captain, Hugh.