This Egg Is So Adorable!

The appearance of the nursery cabin resembled a regular medical cabin, but it was equipped with additional facilities to care for babies.

Marcus was very familiar with the nursery cabin because he had spent a long time there during his childhood.

However, he was unfamiliar with the red, oval-shaped egg inside the nursery cabin.

Astonished, he asked his mother, Lynn, "Mom, is this laid by Lora?"

"Yes, isn't this egg adorable?" Lynn replied.

Marcus, who had lived for over twenty years, had never shown such a bewildered expression before.

No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see what was cute about this egg!

He turned and quickly walked back to the room where Lora was resting, then held her hand tightly.

Lora had just taken some nutrients and looked a bit better.

She smiled and said, "Nine, have you seen our baby?"

"That egg?" Marcus replied with difficulty.