Has the Egg Been Stolen?

They had been trapped in a misconception, believing that Shawn was their number one enemy.

But if the puppet experiment had been going on for over twenty years, it meant that the true mastermind had yet to reveal themselves!

Hugh also realized this, "So, if the danger doesn't come from Shawn, then immediately call Marcus and tell him not to destroy the Sacred Gate!"

Shawn had blatantly exposed the Sacred Gate as if intentionally luring someone to come and destroy it!

Lora clenched her fist, immediately dialing Marcus's number.

Based on the time, he shouldn't have arrived at the Mermaid Planet yet.

However, for some reason, Marcus's phone remained unreachable.

Even sending a special signal to Auspicious was futile!

Lora stood up abruptly, saying, "No, I'm going to the Mermaid Planet too!"

On the other side, Hugh also attempted to contact Shadow and the others, but he couldn't reach them either.