Sobbing While Using Tails to Hook?

Inside the hospital room, Jim wore a blue patient gown, his face filled with confusion as he looked at Lilian standing before him.

On his handsome face, there was a profound sense of bewilderment and a tinge of regret.

This was a normal reaction for someone with amnesia.

Lilian's expression became complex upon realizing that Jim had lost his memory.

She spoke softly, "Your name is Jim, an outstanding commander from Alpha Star. You were turned into a puppet soldier by Martin Carter, but we managed to rescue you."

Upon hearing this, Jim immediately expressed his gratitude, "Thank you!"

"No, don't thank me. It was Commander Marcus who saved you. Do you remember who he is?"

Furrowing his brows, Jim shook his head and grimaced, clutching his head in pain.

Lilian quickly reassured him, "Don't worry for now. It might be temporary. Let me conduct a detailed examination to help you."

"Thank you."