Why Stay Here?

Lora glanced at the time and calmly said, "Let's go, continue searching for plant seeds."

Since the other party had been scared away, they wouldn't come back in the short term.

Lora informed Caleb's team about the incident of Insect-Man and urged them to be extra vigilant.

Then, she led her team directly to the entrance of zone B.

Wallace, feeling nervous, crushed the potato chips he brought and whispered to Ivan, "This is a plant research base, right? If there are Insect-Man, wouldn't there be Plant-Man too... oh!"

Ivan immediately covered the fat man's mouth with his hand!

Damn it, you're tempting fate again.

They are not far from death!

Those three people were incredibly strong.

If it weren't for Lora's ability to interrupt their hypnosis, their entire team would have been wiped out!

They used to think that as long as their combat power became stronger, they would be invincible.