Maybe You Should Consider Getting a New Husband!

Meanwhile, Zero received a huge package sent by her daughter.

When she opened it and saw its contents, she was overwhelmed with excitement and her emotions were in disarray!

Hugh returned and wanted to discuss the recent security measures at the base with Zero.

However, despite calling her several times, she didn't respond.

"Zero, what's wrong?"

Hugh asked through his earpiece as he entered the office.

He then noticed a large transparent box containing… Zero?

He became instantly excited.

"Zero, is this…?"

"This is the body that Lora personally made for me to use," Zero replied, her voice trembling with emotion.

Looking at the person lying there, identical to herself, Zero's emotions became incredibly complex.

After her accident, her body died, leaving only her brain alive.

Over the years, she had used robotic bodies but always felt that something was missing.

Clones had also been tried, but their bodies aged rapidly and had significant limitations.