Does He Call Me "Little Ancestor"?

After searching around, Marcus was almost certain that there was no entrance to the Underground City.

The most suspicious place seemed to be the cellar on the second floor of the Splendid Gold!

Just as he was about to leave quietly and go back to meet Lora and the others, he suddenly heard Sidney, holding a book, speak up.

"Princess Lynn, would I be able to see you again after I gain my freedom? If you are already married, our children must be around the same age."

Marcus halted his steps.

His mother, Lynn, was known as Princess Lynn on the Mermaid Planet before she married Leslie.

Marcus squinted his eyes, hoping Sidney had no connection with his mother!

Unaware that there was someone in the room, Sidney looked at a photo for a while and finally said, "After I pass on the throne to Ali, I will take a spaceship to find you."

After saying that, he carefully put the photo into a box and turned back to the bed, instructing the robot to turn off the lights.