No Longer the Beloved Son!

Caught off guard, Marcus rubbed his forehead in frustration.

He had been listening to James and the others' report on recent events when he absentmindedly handed Lynn a photograph.

Lynn was taken aback. "Whose photo is this?"

"You'll see when you look at it," Marcus replied.

With a puzzled expression, Lynn took the photo and saw a picture of two people.

One of them was a younger version of herself from over twenty years ago.

As for the other man…

Squinting her eyes, Lynn scrutinized the photo for a while before concluding, "Is the green-haired person serious? I don't recall having any impression of them."

Marcus looked at his own mother with a complex expression.

After Sidney had been so obsessed with him for such a long time, he had even mentioned it before his death.

Yet here was his own mother, completely clueless.