Shall We Have a Another Child?

The crying little baby, with a pair of cat ears, was all wet and had adorable big eyes.

Just as it was about to hit the ground, it was suddenly caught by its loving father, and the little one breathed a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, if its head hit the ground, being just born, it would have turned into a little fool!

The little one looked at its father with deep gratitude.

After taking the Energy Nurturing Pill, Annie's physical condition was exceptionally good.

Just after giving birth, she still had a radiant appearance.

She even excitedly leaned over and eagerly asked Len, "Len, did I give birth to a baby girl? Is our daughter incredibly cute and beautiful?"

Len glanced at his son, then raised his head and calmly said, "It's a son."

"How is it possible that it's a son? Ah! Then, let's quickly perform a surgery to turn him into a girl!"