At Most, He Can Be Considered a "Deliveryman"

Van, whose predictions were predicted by his mother, started to act coquettishly when his plea was unsuccessful.

"Mom, I also know Uncle Gill. He helped me before, so I just want to go and see."

"No, the person coming this time is not Gill."

Van was taken aback, "Mom if it's not Grandpa Gill, why do you still want to go out and meet them? Are they bad people?"

Lora gently touched her son's head and said, "They are very likely to be bad people. That's precisely why we need to take the initiative to deal with this trouble."

There were some things Lora decided to gradually teach her son.

After all, she had been asleep for three years this time.

Who knew what unexpected events might occur next time?

Moreover, it was evident that Van was not an ordinary orc.

His future was destined to be rich and colorful but also filled with dangers.

As parents, they couldn't protect their children forever.