You Will Become My Enemy

Jiang Guo's attitude was extremely firm, and it seemed like she was about to physically drive Jiang Yuan out of the car. Finally, Jiang Yuan spoke up, "Since Miss Jiang is so straightforward, then I won't beat around the bush. I came here this time is just for one thing."

She paused before continuing, "How does Miss Caroline think of Yunchen?"

Jiang Guo raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Yuan chuckled lightly, "Nothing. I just want to remind Miss Caroline that it's best not to meddle with a married man, especially when he already has a child."

"You seem to be decent and reasonable, and I'm sure that you aren't the type of person.who would let your reputation being easily ruined. After all, sneaking in other people's marriage is something quite disgraceful. Miss Caroline wouldn't do something like that, right?"

Hearing this, Jiang Guo couldn't help but sneer, her smile carrying a hint of mockery. "Miss Jiang, if I remember correctly, you and Ji Yunchen haven't gotten married yet, right? It seems a bit premature for you to say that Ji Yunchen is a married man."

"Furthermore, let's not discuss whether there is anything between Ji Yunchen and me. Even if something did happen between us, both legally and morally, we should still be within the bounds of a normal relationship. Miss Jiang, don't you think you're meddling a bit too much?"

Jiang Yuan's face turned dark, but Jiang Guo continued to ignore her, poking at her like a needle. "Also, don't bring up the child as if it's some kind of bargaining chip. Would Ji Yunchen choose you for the sake of providing a complete family for the child? You should understand that a child can't bind Ji Yunchen. And from the way Ji Ming behaved earlier, it's clear that he likes me. If, one day, I do become his mother, I don't think he would refuse. After all, he should be able to tell who genuinely cares for him. Your actions have made me deeply doubt whether you are truly the child's biological mother."

A trace of panic flashed across Jiang Yuan's face, and she sternly admonished, "Caroline, you can play with your food, but don't play with words! The child I carried for ten months, how could he not be my biological child? Your words make me doubt whether you are trying to sow discord between me and my son!"

Jiang Guo's expression darkened slightly, and she let out a faint smile. "Miss Jiang, why are you so nervous? I was just talking nonsense and joking. Why are you so worked up?"

Jiang Yuan still wore a righteous expression. "I hope Miss Caroline won't make such jokes in the future. You should know that sometimes baseless accusations can become a deadly weapon, potentially ruining an innocent person's reputation!"

Hearing this, Jiang Guo lowered her head, concealing the hatred in her heart. She couldn't help but want to sneer. How did this woman suddenly become so concerned about how rumors and gossip could become a deadly weapon? Then how could she justify creating those rumors in the first place, which had plunged her into the whirlpool of public condemnation?

The seething hatred coursed through Jiang Guo's veins as she controlled her emotions and feigned indifference after a moment. She shrugged, "Is that so? I'll be more careful in the future."

Jiang Yuan had something else to say initially, but the recent conversation with Jiang Guo left her in no mood. She pursed her lips slightly, paused for a moment, and then continued, "I've said what I needed to say. I hope Miss Caroline will heed my advice and choose her words and actions carefully. Of course, if you choose not to, then there's nothing I can do.

Furthermore, I hope Miss Caroline can understand this, if you still want to get close to Yunchen from now on, then the two of us will be enemies."

Jiang Guo smiled lightly, her expression still carrying a hint of hidden remorse. "Miss Jiang, are you only considering me as your enemy now? I thought from the first day we met and you uttered those insulting words, we were already enemies."

Jiang Yuan's expression shifted slightly. "Since it's like that, then I have nothing more to say. Goodbye."

Saying this, she opened the car door, and Jiang Guo sneered coldly, shifting into gear and releasing the handbrake. She quickly disappeared from Jiang Yuan's sight.

Jiang Yuan, "..."

She watched the car gradually vanish, and her expression turned icy. Everything that happened today was too chaotic for Jiang Yuan, especially Jiang Guo's words just now. What did she mean?

Initially, Jiang Yuan thought Caroline simply had the same name as Jiang Guo, but the casual mention of Ji Ming's identity made her uneasy.

A woman with the same name as Jiang Guo, and one who even knew Ji Ming's true identity—she couldn't believe that these were mere coincidences. This woman must have some kind of connection to Jiang Guo.

What was the meaning behind her words just now, and did she know anything about what happened six years ago?

Jiang Yuan didn't know if that conversation was intentional or not.

But one thing she was certain of—this woman wouldn't live for much longer!

She would never tolerate a woman who could potentially expose her true identity to exist in this world!


South City Elementary School, during break time.

The first-grade classroom was filled with the laughter and chatter of young children.

In a seat at the back of the classroom, Jiang Xiaobao looked seriously at his desk mate and said, "Pang Pang, even though we've known each other for a short time, I think you have a good personality. I like you a lot, and I want to be brothers with you. Do you agree?"

His desk mate, Pang Pang, nodded solemnly, "Of course! From now on, we're good brothers! I'm one year older than you, so remember to call me 'big brother'!"

Jiang Xiaobao made a face of disdain, but thinking of his goal, he eventually agreed, "Big Brother!"

"Younger Brother!"

After the ritual of brotherhood was completed, Jiang Xiaobao immediately got to the point, "Big Brother, I have a very important matter that I need your help with. Will you help me?"

"Without a doubt!"

"Great!" Jiang Xiaobao's tense little face instantly lit up. He then took out his phone from his pocket, opened the photo album, and retrieved the picture he had taken yesterday. "Can you help me investigate this person? Find out his identity, name, and home address."

"You mentioned that your mommy is a journalist on TV, right? She must know many people. So why don't you ask your mommy to help us? Of course, we won't let you do it for free; we'll pay you!"

Pang Pang blinked, looking puzzled. "Huh?"