Jiang Yuan's Fear

Jiang Guo sneered and tauntieed, "Plotting against Ji Yunchen? Miss Jiang Yuan, have you forgotten Mr. Ji's identity? He's the CEO of Kai Tai, the wealthiest man in An City, and the current head of the Ji family!"

"In these past years, he's encountered all sorts of unusual people and events. If he were so easily manipulated and deceived, Kai Tai wouldn't have achieved its current success, and he wouldn't be An City's wealthiest man!"

Jiang Yuan glared at Jiang Guo with a veiled meaning and said, "Yunchen is indeed formidable, and conspiracies hold no secrets before him. But what I fear is that some people don't follow the normal path; they use emotions to manipulate hearts!"

"Are you talking about yourself?"