The First Woman Protected


Ji Ming and his siblings wanted to enter the room to find Jiang Guo, but Ji Yunchen stopped them. He stood at the doorway, blocking their view. "Ji Ming, Xiaobao, Bei Bei, wait here. I'll go bring your Mommy out."

Without waiting for the three siblings to respond, he locked them outside and rolled up his sleeves, ready to confront the situation.

Ji Yunchen didn't use any fancy martial arts moves to fight. He simply used his fists, and although his speed wasn't particularly fast, the two burly men in front of him couldn't avoid his blows. In no time, the two of them were crying out in pain.

"Big brother, spare us! We won't do it again, we promise!"

"We don't want this woman anymore; we're giving her to you! Please spare us!"

The two men were on their knees, begging for mercy, but Ji Yunchen didn't let go. In fact, he increased the intensity of his punches, as if he wanted to beat them to death.